• It Always Comes Back To Poop

    {EXPLICIT WARNING} January and Brandon are talking potty training. Brandon recounts the horrific poopy discoveries he’s made throughout the house during this final round of potty training, and January reveals the most traumatizing poopy experience of her life as a result of potty training. Trigger warning for those of you still sensitive to trials and tribulations that involve toddler fecal…

  • Large Family Efficiency

    January and Brandon are talking the tips and tricks they’ve learned as parents of six kids! January talks bucking the stereotype of the disheveled parents of a large family and Brandon explains why it’s so important to “Just say no.” A lot of kids is a lot of work but it is sometimes possible to stack the deck in your…

  • Bedtime is an Asshole

    January and Brandon are talking about one of the worst parts of parenting… BEDTIME!!! They discuss how tiring it is, how frustrating it can be, and how one day, maybe, just maybe, they will sleep. Maybe. Hopefully.  Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on Google Play! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on Stitcher! Click…

  • Mama J Interviews Her Tribe

    It’s January’s turn to interview the kids! She sings with Beardbaby, talks about Samus Aran’s bra and underwear in the Metroid video games with the Bull (she’s not in her bra and underwear, by the way), Miss Cuddlebug’s disdain for the Havana song, Miss New York’s love of stevia in her coffee, Junior’s love of Metallica, and Teenager’s favorite vegan…

  • Self Care: Because Martyrs Are Annoying!

    January and Brandon are talking self care this week! January is her usual rad self on this episode, true to form on this much-needed topic the way she is at Find Your Village events around the nation. And in case you were wondering, Brandon doesn’t just sit around and look pretty this episode…he talks about the totally unrelated subject of…

  • Why Homeschool?

    January and Brandon talk about homeschooling! They receive frequent questions about why they homeschool, how they homeschool, when they homeschool, etc. They answer these questions and give a little bit of insight into their own personal experience with homeschooling their many kids. Hint: it isn’t always unicorn farts and rainbows! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the…

  • What Do You Choose Today?

    In between events is life. Family, bills, homeschooling, health, and a million other things. As my husband and I sat across from each other after he picked me up at the airport Monday, we felt tired and overwhelmed, like most humans. What. Is. The. Point. of all this if we are stress and worried and overwhelmed? We need to LIVE.…

  • 6 Easy Steps to Cold Brew Coffee Euphoria

    (I originally posted this on January’s personal site in 2015. Enjoy! – Brandon) Growing up with a French mother taught me some very important lessons. Never insult the cook’s food. It didn’t matter if it tasted like moldy garbage regurgitated by a rabid raccoon. You ate what was on your plate and lied about it being amazing or there was trouble. Luckily,…

  • Love Is My Filter

    How we raise our children matters. Listening to them, caring about what they care about, comforting them, validating them….it all matters. Their #mentalhealth will be better and we will raise a more kind, understanding and bright generation. From the moment our babies are earthside… every time we pick them up, hold them, feed them, comfort them, respond to their cries…