• Parenting and Expectations

    On our third episode we talk about expectations, especially where parenting is concerned, and why it’s so important to follow your intuition as a parent and to raise your kids according to your standards, not anyone else’s! Also, January and Brandon talk co-sleeping and Game of Thrones! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on…

  • Good Parenting is F***ing Exhausting

    Solidarity. And it never ends. Never. Pulled in so many directions from sun up until, well, the next sun up. Every. Single. Day. We give our best and all we can. It’s exhausting because it’s hard work. We don’t have to justify this with how much we love our kids or what blessings we have. That’s a given. We all…

  • Bedtime is Such an Asshole

    One of these days they’ll put themselves to bed and I’ll miss it so much. JUST KIDDING! I’ll watch all the Orange is the New Black {when it comes out} uninterrupted, in a clean house, while eating vegan sushi and enjoying wine and I won’t have to share anything. I’ll say to Brandon, “Remember when we had to do bedtime?”…