It’s the top 9 of 2019! January & Brandon share clips from their top 9 most downloaded new episodes of 2019, and you don’t want to miss it! From discussions about being present in the moment to the safety of using CBD while breastfeeding, there are plenty of interesting and funny moments to entertain you this week! The top 9…
Boundaries & Holidays
January and Brandon are discussing setting boundaries with family and friends, and how it applies during the ramped-up, stressed-out holiday season! January discusses some of the things she’s done to set boundaries, and Brandon explains why it can be such a precarious tightrope act for your emotional well-being in the beginning. And Brandon relates the Birth Without Fear motto of…
Sniveling Drivel
January and Brandon are back…again! In this episode, they discuss random subjects such as Brandon beginning another chiropractic practice, January near the end of her traveling career, the importance of staying present in the moment, and the sniveling drivel of Gabe from The Office versus Draco Malfoy. And Brandon remembered January’s two future episode suggestions when he edited this episode!…
Show the F*ck Up!
January and Brandon are back talking about showing up and facing fears. January reveals the backstory about what she almost did, or didn’t do, in regards to her 3 Birth Without Fear Conferences in Australia. Brandon discusses how he faced his fears of being home with the 6 kids for 2 weeks and how he owned it like a boss.…
January Harshe & Family Looking For Birth Without Fear At The Book Store!!!
Watch January, Brandon, their kids, and grandparents hunt down Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum at the book store!
Netflix Is In The Index!
The Birth Without Fear book is officially published! It’s been a long, 2 year journey, but it is finally here! January and Brandon read excerpts out of Chapters 11, 12, 13, and the conclusion. Aaaaannnd… Netflix is even in the index! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on Google Play! Subscribe to the Harshe…
If Cellulite Is Cute On Babies, It’s Cute On Me!
6 DAYS until the release of Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum(Hachette Books, March 5, 2019)!!! January reads a few snippets out of Chapter 10, and she and Brandon talk about loving ourselves more, and Brandon discusses his own self love journey that involves a torn muscle! Yikes! Subscribe to the…
Back Up Plans Without Fear
8 DAYS until the release of Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum(Hachette Books, March 5, 2019)!!! January reads a few parts out of Chapter 8, and she and Brandon talk about making backup plans and how there might be humble pie to eat if you don’t! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast…
Home [Birth] Is Where The Heart Is
Halfway done with the 30 day countdown to the release of Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum(Hachette Books, March 5, 2019)! Brandon reads a snippet out of the Chapter 7 Partner Point of View of Birth Without Fear, and he and January discuss their first home birth! Subscribe to the Harshe…
Home Birth IS An Option!
It’s 16 days until the release of Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum (Hachette Books, March 5, 2019)! January reads a snippet out of Chapter 7 of Birth Without Fear, and she and Brandon discuss home birth and all the many questions and answers this chapter of the book offers! Subscribe to…