• Mothering Your Way

    January and Brandon are discussing mothering this week! Well, Brandon chimes in here and there, but mostly he’s sitting back and looking pretty while January takes moms to church about how the only type of mother to be is the one YOU want to be! January is in stage form, and you don’t want to miss it! Subscribe to the…

  • “What’s Next, January?”

    January and Brandon discuss January’s next move after retiring from Birth Without Fear events across the world. Brandon brings up the importance of keeping ourselves in more of a right brain, parasympathetic, calm mode than the typical left brain, sympathetic, stressed-out mode we tend to experience more of in western society. Also, Brandon discusses his secret to finding more time…

  • ‘Those Women’ Talk Postpartum!

    January is joined by her good friend Nicole Streeter on this episode! Nicole is a birth photographer and owner & founder of Laurel & Fig Co, and she joins January in talking about postpartum! They discuss the misunderstanding between the terms ‘postpartum’ vs ‘postpartum depression’, and strategies in preparing for the upcoming postpartum period.  Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes!…

  • Sniveling Drivel

    January and Brandon are back…again! In this episode, they discuss random subjects such as Brandon beginning another chiropractic practice, January near the end of her traveling career, the importance of staying present in the moment, and the sniveling drivel of Gabe from The Office versus Draco Malfoy. And Brandon remembered January’s two future episode suggestions when he edited this episode!…

  • Self Care: Input Versus Output

    January and Brandon are talking self care today! January talks changing up how she views self care, comparing master bedroom-sized buckets of output vs thimble size buckets of input. Brandon discusses the importance of taking up a creative hobby to activate the right brain in this left brain dominant world we live in. And Brandon piques January’s interest with an…

  • Coffee & Tattoos 4.0

    January and Brandon are back with another episode of Coffee and Tattoos, and they are talking… movies?! Well, yes, but tattoos as well, mainly January’s new ones and the big one Brandon has planned. They also talk about raising feminist daughters, how they currently like their coffee, Avengers: Endgame (don’t worry, no spoilers other than Aquaman and Batman defeating Thanos),…

  • Show the F*ck Up!

    January and Brandon are back talking about showing up and facing fears. January reveals the backstory about what she almost did, or didn’t do, in regards to her 3 Birth Without Fear Conferences in Australia. Brandon discusses how he faced his fears of being home with the 6 kids for 2 weeks and how he owned it like a boss.…

  • The Rollercoaster IS Life!

    January and Brandon are back talking about life as spouses, parents, business owners, and how the journey of life is truly a rollercoaster. Brandon talks about having creative outlets to recharge himself everyday, and January talks about the trap of thinking we’re not doing enough day in and day out and how to change it. Also, they both agree that…

  • Netflix Is In The Index!

    The Birth Without Fear book is officially published! It’s been a long, 2 year journey, but it is finally here! January and Brandon read excerpts out of Chapters 11, 12, 13, and the conclusion. Aaaaannnd… Netflix is even in the index! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on Google Play! Subscribe to the Harshe…