• Top 9 of 2019!

    It’s the top 9 of 2019! January & Brandon share clips from their top 9 most downloaded new episodes of 2019, and you don’t want to miss it! From discussions about being present in the moment to the safety of using CBD while breastfeeding, there are plenty of interesting and funny moments to entertain you this week! The top 9…

  • Self Care: Input Versus Output

    January and Brandon are talking self care today! January talks changing up how she views self care, comparing master bedroom-sized buckets of output vs thimble size buckets of input. Brandon discusses the importance of taking up a creative hobby to activate the right brain in this left brain dominant world we live in. And Brandon piques January’s interest with an…

  • If Cellulite Is Cute On Babies, It’s Cute On Me!

    6 DAYS until the release of Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum(Hachette Books, March 5, 2019)!!! January reads a few snippets out of Chapter 10, and she and Brandon talk about loving ourselves more, and Brandon discusses his own self love journey that involves a torn muscle! Yikes! Subscribe to the…

  • “Are They Sleeping Through The Night?”

    It’s 23 days until the release of Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum(Hachette Books, March 5, 2019)!  January reads a snippet out of Chapter 3 of Birth Without Fear, and she and Brandon briefly discuss self care and new parent expectations! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the…

  • Healing Is Not Linear

    January and Brandon are discussing the ups and downs of healing mentally and emotionally from life’s (often) unforgiving shenanigans. They discuss shifting expectations instead of lowering them, setting and then enforcing boundaries, and speaking positively to one’s self. Healing takes time, and this episode reinforces that mantra through and through. So grab a cup of coffee, find a quiet place…

  • Self Care Before Social Media

    January and Brandon discuss how to apply self care to your life in this day and age of social media. January talks about the positive change it has been for her to turn off comments on social media and Brandon explains why he got off Facebook and will never go back. Also, January talks about her love of parentheses hugs…

  • Self Care: Because Martyrs Are Annoying!

    January and Brandon are talking self care this week! January is her usual rad self on this episode, true to form on this much-needed topic the way she is at Find Your Village events around the nation. And in case you were wondering, Brandon doesn’t just sit around and look pretty this episode…he talks about the totally unrelated subject of…

  • Social Media Boundaries: I am NOT Your Punching Bag!

    Please read this. I’ve had too many people recently tell me in the same breath or sentence that they have benefited from all that I’ve given (freely) and then in the same breathe criticize and insult me.  The truth is, this hurts me deeply. I’ve come to a place of acceptance in not caring what others think of me and how…

  • Instincts and Boundaries

    On our second episode we talk about the importance of trusting our instincts, January’s recent experience in listening to her gut, and putting yourself first by setting appropriate boundaries with the people in your life. Also, Brandon says some things that are just… CRAZY! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on Google Play! Subscribe…

  • End the F***ing Stigmas!

    We need (and are allowed) to make space, take time, and give ourselves permission to rest, process, and heal. And that’s OK. Also, try not to compare yourself now to a version of your past self. You last year weren’t dealing with what you this year are. When we allow ourselves to breakdown (and learn), we can then rebuild ourselves…