• Our Children Are Gifts

    NO filter or editing or deleting of this pic and here’s why: She woke me up with hats, compliments, and conversation. I love the imperfections though. Her shirt is on inside out, neither of our hair brushed, the little ‘toddler’ bump on her head, mascara smudge under my eyes to compliment my still-waking-up-swollen face. ☕️ And definitely pre-coffee.  It’s beautiful…

  • Love Is My Filter

    How we raise our children matters. Listening to them, caring about what they care about, comforting them, validating them….it all matters. Their #mentalhealth will be better and we will raise a more kind, understanding and bright generation. From the moment our babies are earthside… every time we pick them up, hold them, feed them, comfort them, respond to their cries…

  • Origins and Why’s

    On this intro episode we discuss the origins of Birth Without Fear et al., how we met, how we started dating, and how we got engaged, along with some laughs along the way! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on Google Play! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on Stitcher! Click here to download Episode…

  • Self Love Generation Store 2.0: Rebooted, Updated, Revamped, etc.

    Lets face it: we SUCKED at merchandise. Like, really, REALLY sucked. Late orders. Wrong orders. Misplaced orders. You name it and we probably found a way to royally mess up shipping fulfillment. We looked incompetent. We looked like scam artists just taking people’s money. We looked like absolute losers. It boiled down to the following: 1.) Our merchandise sold really well.…